About Lal Kitab
Among enormous systems of astrology in India, Lal Kitab, is gaining popularity day by day. Lal Kitab, as it seems to suggest, does not mean a book of red colour only. In fact, Lal Kitab is a school of vedic Astrology that has brought astrology to the common man. All the knowledge, the principes and the rules of this system have been placed in 5 books known as Lal Kitab itself. Therefore, we would prefer to say that Lal Kitab is a system of Astrology as well as a book on Astrology.
About Lal Kitab : Lal Kitab came to be known the year 1983 when an astrological journal namely the ‘Fate and fortune’ published the remedies (upayas) of Lal Kitab in one of its issues, soon, the market became flooded with enormous versions of Lal kitab authentic or unauthentic surprisingly none of the authors of these books those were named as Dalda.
Lal Kitabs on a very later stage has mentioned as to which authentic version of Lal kitab his work is based upon. While tracing the origin of this school of Astrology namely the Lal Kitab we have come across a number of views . Some trace its origin in ‘Arun’ the charioteer of lord sun while some others go to link it with Rawan and Rawan Samhita’. Some versions link it to the Arabs and Muslims. Still other go to suggest that Lat Kitab is based upon some prophesies made to one Pandit Rup Chand ji Joshi by God himself. With out going into the controversy or long debate on the issue we would prefer to accept the most popular view that Pt. Rup Chand ji Joshi of Pharwala in Punjab was the originator of this system of astrology. Pt.Rup Chand ji Joshi an accountant in Royal Indian Army during the British Rule , got some old manuscripts from one of his colleagues who could not reads and Wrote but often made predictions on the basis of the knowledge he aquired by the word of mouth during his childhood. He requested Pandit ji to reproduce his knowledge in written form so that it can go a long way to the posterity and benefit them. This laid the foundation of a great system of astrology, the Lal Kitab : Pandit ji compeiled this knowledge in five books in sequence, and also named them as Lal Kitab.
To note here, Pandit ji has added ‘Samudrik’ or ILM Samudrik’ with ‘Lal Kitab’ on each of his books. Assigning literal meaning to the word ‘Samudrik’ most of the writers on ‘Lal Kitab’ have described the Lal Kitab Knowledge as the “Oceanic Knowledge”or the Knowledge of ocean that does not appear to be a right meaning in context of the Lal Kitab .Here, we would like to place on record the correct meaning of the word ‘Samudrik’ . This word comes from the Sanskrit language. According to various Sanskrit -English dictionaries like that by a learned scholar V.S.Apte has two meanings first sea born ( oceanic) and the second “Relating to marks on the body which are supposed to indicate good or bad fortune. Also, According to Sanskrit grammer, when as samudrik is used in Pullinga ( masculine gender) it means one who knows has to interpret the various mark on the body.
Panditji wrote his Lal Kitab in a Series of 5 books in Urdu script the first in the series, ‘Samudrik kee Lal kitab ke Farman’ was published in 1939. followed by “Samudrik kee Lal Kitab ke Arman( 1940) , ‘Samudrik kee Lal Kitab, Teesara Hissa (1941). Ilm Samudrik kee Lal Kitab, Tarmeem shuda (1942) and ‘Ilm samudrik kee Buniyad par samudrik kee Lal kitab ‘(1952).